古时: ancient times的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...古老: ancient; antiquity; old age; ...古老的: age-old; ancient; antiquated; antique; archaic; auld; gamla; immemorial; vintage古时的: antique; olden; one-time古代的,古老的: ancient古老的;旧式的: ancient (l03)古老的传说: old legend古老的大钟: grandfather's clock; okina furudokei; randfather's clock古老的风花: but ancient windflowers古老的歌: age-old song; an ancient song古老的回音: ancient echoes古老的建筑: ancient building古老的灵魂: old spirit古老的秘密: the ancient secret古老的曲调: old melody古老的声音: ancinent voices古老的世界: an ancient world古老的书: old book古老的庭院: the old garden古老的文明: an ancient civilization古老的舞蹈: oldtime dancingg古老的勋章: the ancient order古老的艺术: an ancient art古老的砖石: old stones