They were of the most curious character : odd transgressions that i never imagined previously 这些罪过的性质极其古怪:是我以前从没想象过的一些古怪离奇的罪过。
The fact is , i was a trifle beside myself ; or rather out of myself , as the french would say : i was conscious that a moment s mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties , and , like any other rebel slave , i felt resolved , in my desperation , to go all lengths 我确实有点儿难以自制,或者如法国人所说,失常了。我意识到,因为一时的反抗,会不得不遭受古怪离奇的惩罚。于是,像其他造反的奴隶一样,我横下一条心,决计不顾一切了。