古希腊艺术: ancient Greek art的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...白银: silver; silver dollar or ing ...时代: times; age; era; epoch公元: 1991年 A.D. 1991前: front四: four世纪: 90年代 the nineties of the 20t ...古希腊艺术: ancient greek art白银时代: silver age古希腊艺术或文化的: gri:fn ^rifen公元前10世纪: the 10th century b.c公元前1世纪: 1st century bc公元前20世纪: 20th century bc公元前2世纪: 2nd century bc公元前3世纪: 3rd century bc公元前4世纪: 4th century bc公元前5世纪: 5th century bc公元前6世纪: 6th century bc公元前7世纪: 7th century bc希腊艺术: greek art白银时代的拉丁语。: silver latin古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的: of relating to or influenced by the art and literature of ancient greece and rome古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的研究: classical studies公元前: anno domini; ante christum; b.c.----------------------before christ; bc before the birth of jesus christ; pre-christian era