Bacterial conditions found in the peat bogs preserved the remains so that even fingerprints were clearly visible 按照凯利的说法,由于当地泥炭沼泽的细菌状况非常有利于古尸的保存,因此他们留下的指纹至今仍清晰可见。
Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia 研究这具古尸dna的中国科学家说,这位死者名叫俞宏(音译) ,他属于欧亚大陆西部最早的遗传群体。
The preserved remains of two prehistoric men discovered in an irish bog have revealed a couple of surprises - one used hair gel and the other stood 6 foot 6 inches high , the tallest iron age body discovered 近日,有关人员在爱尔兰一处沼泽地里找到两具保存完好的史前古人遗骸,但这绝非一次普通的考古发现,它同时还向人们展示了两大惊奇之处其中一个人曾经使用过发胶,而另一个人直立后的身高约为1 . 98米,堪称目前出土的身材最为高大的铁器时代古尸。
The preserved remains of two prehistoric men discovered in an irish bog have revealed a couple of surprises - one used hair gel and the other stood 6 foot 6 inches high , the tallest iron age body discovered . " he would have been a giant . the other man was quite short , about 5 foot 2 inches , " said ned kelly , head of antiquities at the national museum of ireland 近日,有关人员在爱尔兰一处沼泽地里找到两具保存完好的史前古人遗骸,但这绝非一次普通的考古发现,它同时还向人们展示了两大惊奇之处其中一个人曾经使用过发胶,而另一个人直立后的身高约为1 . 98米,堪称目前出土的身材最为高大的铁器时代古尸。
pbs沼泽古尸: the perfect corpse古尸魔咒: the body马王堆古尸: the ancient corpse of mawangdui; theancientcorpseofmawangduipbs神秘的楼兰古尸: mysterious mummies of china爱尔兰出土两具颇具传奇色彩的铁器时代古尸: irish bog man liked to slick back with hair gel古诗十九首: exe( 337,k)古十: koju古诗今译: ancient poems rendered into modern chinese古十郎: kojuro古诗集: ancient poetry古石: koishi古诗: 1.(古体诗) a form of pre-tang poetry2.(古代诗歌) ancient poetry古石孔藻属: archaeolithoporella古施泰特: gustedt