Many of these photos are astonishing , the vastness and emptiness of mars can use no words to describe 这些由火星古塞夫陨石坑及子午平原所拍到的照片,代替了文字,把火星的广大的荒芜展示了出来。
Rovers spirit and opportunity had stated on mars surface for 3 years , and discovered the ancient sedimentary rocks that directly proved the existence of water on the red planet 漫游车勇气号及机遇号分别在火星的古塞夫陨石坑及子午平原上逗留了超过三年,发现了远古时代留下的沉积岩,直接证实火星远古时代液态水的存在。
Thailand , which lost more than 5 , 000 people to the tsunami , saw at least another seven killed tuesday , including four foreign tourists , when an overloaded boat heading to the holiday island of koh samui capsized 泰国在这次海啸中有超过5000人遇难,周二当一艘超载的客船在前往古塞穆艾度假岛屿的途中倾覆,又有至少7人死亡,包括4名外国游客。