A mordern four - star standard hotel - yangzhou new century hotel , it locates bank of yangzi river , old castle yangzhou 一座富有时代特征,国际四星级标准的涉外旅游饭店扬州新世纪大酒店巍然矗立于扬子江畔,古城扬州。
At present , as a leading factory in jiangsu province , our company has more than 1000 skilled workers , covering an area of 42 , 000 square metres 扬州希捷箱包有限公司地处古城扬州西北郊,为一家中日韩三方共同投资兴办的箱包生产企业。
Baoying county keda car fittings co . , ltd . is located at north suburb of yangzhou - an ancient city , 2km away from beijing - shanghai expressway , s exit of baoying in the west 宝应县科达汽配制造有限公司位于古城扬州市北郊,京沪高速宝应出口西2公里处。
Yangzhou shixin travel articles company is located in yangzhou of ancient city , it is a speciality that produces the hotel , aviation and uses the slippers , the laundry bag , the factory of the sewing kit 扬州市时新旅游用品有限公司坐落在古城扬州,是一家专业生产酒店、航空用拖鞋,洗衣袋,针线包的工厂。