古城: ancient city; early city底: bottom; base比: 2斯: this墓地: cemetery; dust; graveyard; b ...遗迹: historical remains; relic; v ...底比斯古城及其墓地: ancient thebes with its necropolis孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔: memphis and its necropolis the pyramid fields from giza to dahshur底比斯: dibis; dibse; thapsacus; thebais; thebes, egypt; thebes, greece迦太基人的喀尔寇阿内城及其墓地: punic town of kerkuane and its necropolis底比斯 (埃及): thebes, egypt底比斯 (希): thebes, greece; thespiae底比斯的: theban底比斯圣队: sacred band of thebes底比斯斯: thebes底比斯之王: amphitryon西底比斯: western thebes底比斯的远方: jenseits von theben(thebes)古城墙的遗迹: the ruins of an old city wall七雄大战底比斯: seven against thebes阿提斯及其他诗歌: attis and other poems威尼斯及其泻湖: venice and its lagoon底比斯的荷鲁斯神牛: kanakht khaemwaset加勒古城及其要塞: old town of galle and its fortifications国际古城遗迹联合会: international federation of old town areas