Otto - von - guericke - universit t magdeburg 奥托-冯-古埃瑞克大学
Willy gu ret 维利古埃雷特
Egypt ' s national flag shows a bird of prey , which symbolizes strength . kestrels [ 3 ] were held sacred in ancient egypt , and were often mummified 埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊。
Influences of temperature on magnetic property and stability , mechanism of dysprosium modification on the magnetic properties and surface modification on stability have been studied through a measurement device based on gouy magnetic balance 利用古埃磁天平研究了温度对磁性和稳定性的影响;研究了稀土镝磁性能的改性、表面活性剂的表面改性,并从理论上进行了分析。