变黄: flavescence的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...叶子: leaf; foliage playing cards不变黄的: non yellowing逐渐变黄的: flavescent大黄的叶柄: rhubarb初夏的叶子: leaves in early summer粗糙的叶子: scabrous leaf金色的叶子: a flurry of golden leaves漂亮的叶子: beautiful foliage秋天的叶子: an autume leaf; an autumn leaf世界树的叶子: leaf of the world tree四分裂的叶子: quadrifid leaf一厚层的叶子: a carpet of leaves moss snow etc成为化石的叶子: fossilized leaves浮在水面上的叶子: leaves floating on the water秋天的叶子(混音版): an autumn leaf与锋利的叶子接触: contact with sharp leaves正在飘落的叶子: falling leaves蕨类植物的叶子: fern-leaf把树枝上的叶子撸下来: strip a twig of its leaves从树上飘落下的叶子: leaves floating from the trees给他妈妈一片树上的叶子: give his mother a leaf from a tree具有四个小叶的叶子: leaf with four leaflets褪落的叶子在我脚前聚集: the withered leaves collect at my feet