故障: hitch; breakdown; stoppage; ...请: request; ask立即: immediately; at once; prompt ...停车: stop; pull up请立即停车: trans program变速器故障: trans program自动变速器故障: trans failsafe prog立即停机 硬停: hardstop立即停止确: are subject to confirmation请立即回宫: please come with me to the palace请立即删除: cihui.biz; w w w . cihui . b i立即停止方式: instant stop mode立即停止侵权: stop infringement acts immediately请立即跪下,否则…: be arrested, otherwise存储器故障: error of memory; storage failure点火器故障: igniter failure机器故障: break of machinery; breakdown of machinery; machinery breakdown {= m.b.d; machine fault; machinery breakdown助推器故障: booster failure; booster malfunction变速器: change gear box; derailleur; gear shift; speed change gear; speed changer; speed exchanger; speed transmission; speed variator; speed-variator; tra mi ion (gearbox); tra mitter; transmission gearbox; transmission gear box; transmitter; variable speed device; variator请立即来我办公室: mr. li stands in urgent need of your service请立即删除本文章: w w w . c i h u i . b i请立即删除此文章: www.cihui.biz机器故障时间: machine downtime; machine oiled time; machine spoiled time机器故障条款: breakdown clause变速器;变速: gearshift