This makes it easier to form into shapes by hand or by machine 变软的黏土就更容易被手工或者机械做成各种形状。
However , the tendency to make the equation of state soften is of importance 尽管这种改变很小,但这种变软的趋势仍具有重要的意义。
It was famous , too , for the pillory , a wise old institution , that inflicted a punishment of which no one could foresee the extent ; also , for the whipping - post , another dear old institution , very humanising and softening to behold in action ; also , for extensive transactions in blood - money , another fragment of ancestral wisdom , systematically leading to the most frightful mercenary crimes that could be committed under heaven 那是一种古老而聪明的制度,那种惩罚伤害之深没有人可以预见。它也以鞭刑柱闻名,那也是一种可爱而古老的制度,看了之后是会令人大发慈悲,心肠变软的。它也以大量的“血钱”交易闻名,那也是我们祖宗聪明的一种表现,它能系统全面地引向天下最骇人听闻的雇佣犯罪。