- deteriorate v. become worse in quality
- 变质: go bad; deteriorate
- 恶化: worsen; deteriorate; take a ...
- 变质退化堕落恶化: deterioration
- 恶化: worsen; deteriorate; take a turn for the worse;exacerbate 使事情恶化 aggravate a matter; 两国关系恶化到今天这个地步, 是令人痛心的。 it is saddening to see that relations between the two countries should have deteriorated to the present state. 病人的病情恶化了。 the patient took a turn for the worse. 形势恶化了。 the situation worsened
- 变质: 1.(变坏) go bad; deteriorate 蜕化变质 become morally degenerate; 这种食品在热带地方不会变质。 the food undergoes no deterioration in the tropics. 牛奶变质了。 the milk has turned sour.2.[地] (变质作用) metamorphism; [冶金学] (加入微量元素以改善其组织和性能) modification; [生物学] (退化、变质) degenerescence; degeneration