变质: go bad; deteriorate的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...腐烂: become putrid; decompose; ro ...质量差: of poor quality; of low qual ...腐烂的,变质的: spoiled, rotten质量差的: inferior; unsound flour腐烂的: cankered; carious; decayed; dozy; foul; putrefactive; putrescent; putrid; rotten; septic; tabid质量差的, 贫乏的, 不毛的, 瘦的: meager质量差: mass difference; poor quality半易腐烂的: semi-perishable不腐烂的: that will not decay that will never disappear不会腐烂的: imputrescible不易腐烂的: imputrescible腐烂的,坏的: rotten腐烂的男尸: nan shi腐烂的女尸: nv shi腐烂的气味: putrid odor腐烂的尸体: decomposed body; shi ti腐烂的食物: tainted food腐烂的牙: decayed tooth腐烂的鱼: putrid fish腐烂的植物: decaying vegetable matter坏的,腐烂的: rotten会腐烂的: putrefiable将腐烂的: putrescent