The properties of the sms are discussed and 44 basic mechanical units are listed 基于状态空间理论,本文深入研究了机械运动基本变换单元的组合方法。
In this paper , we introduce the design of the video post processing which comprise the on screen display and video format conversion 本文详细介绍了包括屏幕显示单元及视频格式变换单元的视频后处理单元设计思想和设计过程。
The device mainly consists of integrated phase - shift trigger unit , detection unit , amplification and impedance conversion unit , the smallest excitation limitation unit , reactive regulation unit and three - phase controlled bridge rectifier 本装置主要包括集成移相触发单元、检测单元、放大及阻抗变换单元、最小励磁限制单元、无功调查单元和三相全控桥。
There is two questions on transferring the video signals from the output of the hdtv decode to display on the screen , one is that we should convert the video data into many different video formats which is named as format conversion function 经hdtv视频解码器解码后的视频信号在送去电视机显示前需要解决两个问题;一是对输入的视频格式可能做的视频格式转换(及yuv到rgb色度空间变换,称为格式变换单元。
And then , a state equation is set up by the relationship among the input and output characteristic vectors as well as the state matrices ( sms ) . the non - zero element in the sms characteristic is taken according to taylor series expansion , which is a transfer function of the basic mechanical unit 再次,阐述了状态变换矩阵的形成过程,通过泰勒级数展开,提取其非零元素的特征,并按照传递特征值对基本变换单元加以分类,归纳了状态变换矩阵的性质。