

  • deformation increment
  • 变形:    be out of shape; become defo ...
  • 递增:    increase progressively; incr ...
  • 递增变形:    progressive deformation
  • 递增:    increase progressively; increase by degrees 人口的递增 a progressive increase in population; 产量与年递增。 the output increases progressively with years. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%。 the registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year.; 递增费用 progressive charges; 递增付款 progressive payment; 递增函数 increasing function; 递增序列 [数学] increasing sequence; ascending series
  • 地形递变:    topocline


        变形:    be out of shape; become defo ...
        递增:    increase progressively; incr ...
        递增变形:    progressive deformation
        递增:    increase progressively; increase by degrees 人口的递增 a progressive increase in population; 产量与年递增。 the output increases progressively with years. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%。 the registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year.; 递增费用 progressive charges; 递增付款 progressive payment; 递增函数 increasing function; 递增序列 [数学] increasing sequence; ascending series
        地形递变:    topocline
        适形递量放疗:    conformal escalating radiotherapy
        变形:    1.(形状、格式起变化) be out of shape; become deformed; transshape; transfiguration; transformation; variant; transmogrification; modification : 自行车的前轮变形了。 the front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 孩子的腿变形了。 the child has a deformed leg.2.[物理学] (形变) deformation; distortion; (应变) strain; [生物学] (动植物的形态渐进) anamorphosis; (变异) metamorphosis; (畸形) dysmorphosis; (组织替换) transubstantiation; (器官变形) metallaxis; (物种演变) transmutation◇变形比 deformable ratio; 变形能力 deformability
        递增的:    progressive
        递增额:    increasing premium
        递增法:    additive; incremental method
        递增量:    incremental change
        递增率:    increment rate; progressive increase rate; rate of increase
        递增型:    crescendo type
        增加,递增:    steup
        报酬递增率:    rate of increasing returns
        成本递增:    [经] increasing costs◇成本递增规律 law of increasing cost
        单递增序列:    monotonically increasing sequence
        单调递增:    isotonic; monotone increasing; monotonic increasing
        单元递增:    t78_tcopyandplus
        地址递增:    address increment
        递增报酬:    increasing returns
        递增备份:    incremental backup
        递增比泄降:    specific incremental drawdown
        递增变质:    constructive metamorphism
        递增变质带:    zone of progressive metamorphism


  1. "变形的时间长度场"英文
  2. "变形的完成"英文
  3. "变形的协调状态"英文
  4. "变形的柱面"英文
  5. "变形底片"英文
  6. "变形点"英文
  7. "变形电位"英文
  8. "变形碟式反射器"英文
  9. "变形动画"英文
  10. "变形动脉内膜炎"英文


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