- nike_olenike_speed_battlenike
- 变形: be out of shape; become defo ...
- 篇: a piece of writing
- 变形: 1.(形状、格式起变化) be out of shape; become deformed; transshape; transfiguration; transformation; variant; transmogrification; modification : 自行车的前轮变形了。 the front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 孩子的腿变形了。 the child has a deformed leg.2.[物理学] (形变) deformation; distortion; (应变) strain; [生物学] (动植物的形态渐进) anamorphosis; (变异) metamorphosis; (畸形) dysmorphosis; (组织替换) transubstantiation; (器官变形) metallaxis; (物种演变) transmutation◇变形比 deformable ratio; 变形能力 deformability
- 变形使变形: deform
- 变换(变形): transformation