受: receive; accept神职人员: clergy压制: suppress; stifle; inhibit; r ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...教区神职人员: the secular clergy ie parish priests etc牧师, 僧侣, 神职人员: clergy神职人员规则: regles clericales一位神职人员: a man of the cloth ie a clergyman神职人员的特典: benefit of clergy神职人员的特权: privilege of clergy危地马拉神职人员联合会: guatemalan confederation of clergy担扰的神职人员和信徒组织: clergy and laymen concerned复活节前之礼拜五(神职人员于此日着黑装): black friday普通信徒(有别于神职人员);门外汉: layman神职人员对保持清贫的誓言: vow of poverty受神职者支配的: priest ridden压制的: aspressed; highpressure; struck; tyrannic称职人员: competent person非军职人员: civilians公职人员: civil servant; public employee; public officer; public servant兼职人员: part-time duty personnel; part-time staff; part-timer军职人员: military staff旷职人员: absentee求职人员: job applicant; job hunter入职人员: entrant