受: receive; accept希腊: Greece罗马: Roman Rome影响: influence; affect的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...希腊罗马: greco roman希腊罗马的: grecoroman希腊罗马式: greco-roman style希腊罗马的, 希腊罗马式的: greco-roman希腊罗马式的: greco-roman谈希腊罗马神话对英美文学的影响: on the influence of greek and roman myths upon british and american literature希腊罗马文化对英语词汇的影响: the influence of greek and roman culture on the english vocabulary古希腊罗马哲学: ancient greek rome philosophy希腊罗马名人传: parallel lives古希腊罗马的语言及文学: classics古希腊罗马的运球场游戏: harpastron古希腊罗马神话概述: classical mythology古希腊罗马文化研究: the studies of ancient greek and roman culture重新发现古代希腊罗马: rediscovering ancient greece and rome受希腊教化者: hellenists浅谈源于古希腊罗马神话中的英语词汇: brief discussion on english vacabulary ancient greek and roman with myth origin源于希腊罗马神话的英语词汇: english vocabulary derived from greek and roman mythology影响的: affective; influencing不良影响的: dysgenic不受影响的: immune; impervious; insusceptible; unaffected; uninfluenced