发育: growth; development; auxe; e ...结果: result; outcome; fruit; endi ...神经发育结果: neurodevelopmental outcome乳腺发育结构不良: mammary dyplasia繁育结构: breeding structure教育结构: bildungsstruktur f; education structure; educational structure结果: 结果bear fruit; fruit 这棵树不结果。 this tree bears no fruit.; 结果年龄 [植物学] bearing age; 结果枝 bearing branch; bearing shoot优化教育结构: optimize the education structure发育: growth; development; auxe; engender; grow; develop gradually by a process of growth and change 发育健全 physically well developed; 促进发育 accelerate growth; 密切注视幼儿智力的发育 intently watch the development of the infant mind; 粗劣的食物妨碍儿童的发育。 poor food arrests the natural growth of children. 婴儿发育情况良好。 the baby is coming on well.; 发育不良 [医学] stunk; dysontogenesis; maldevelopment; 发育不全 hypoplasia; atelia; ateliosis; ateleiosis; dysgenesis; stuntedness; atelo; aplasia; hypoplasty; hypogenesis; hypoplasis; agennesia; agenesia; agenesis; underdevelopment结果;其结果是: as a result毕竟, 结果: when all is said and done不结果: fruitless; sterility产量, 结果: outstandings stock产量,结果: outcome初结果: firstfruits导致,结果: result in负结果: negative take; negative test好结果: success后果, 结果: in the result结果, 出口: outcome结果, 后来: in the sequel结果,后果: consequence结果,结局: in the issue结果bear: fruitfruit结果,成绩: result