Individual characteristics of reasons for language development delay in children 儿童语言发展迟缓成因的个案特征
Causes for slow growth of middle - and high - grade waterproof materials in china and some developing measures 我国中高档防水材料发展迟缓原因分析及对策
The degree of hypotonicily at the earlier age did not correlate with the mental or neuro - motor outcomes 身心发展迟缓儿童之早期低肌肉张力程度与后来之智能发展、独立行走年龄、疾病诊断皆无显著关联。
The suggestions according to the research outcomes are given to the universities , government organizations and programs that providing early intervention services 本研究并依研究结果对早期疗育相关人员培育机构、各县市政府发展迟缓儿童通报暨转介中心提出建议。
Children from birth to 6 years and who are at risk of becoming disabled , with developmental delay , behavioral problems , physical or mental disabled with disability are eligible for applying for our service 教导家长利用各种方法启导有潜在发展迟缓的婴儿及幼儿在智力、体能、语言、自理、社交及情绪方面的发展。