Land was granted to the hkhs on concessionary terms but all other development costs were borne by the hkhs 建屋用地由政府以优惠条件批给房协,其他发展成本则全部由房协负担。
The land is granted to hkhs on concessionary terms but all other development costs are borne by the hkhs 建屋用地是由政府以优惠条件批给房屋协会,而其他所有发展成本均由房协负责。
The land is largely agricultural and is required for the dblr10 - nlylhylh interchange and close to lung kwu tan for the tmpe 11 . 3上述成本已计及可能因发展洪水桥策略性增长地区而增加的发展成本。
发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...成本: prime cost; cost; capitalize ...地盘发展成本: site development cost递延发展成本: deferred development costs土地发展成本: land development cost研究和发展成本: research and development cost土地发展成本;土地开发成本: land development cost发展成: evolve into递延研究和发展成本: deferred research and development costs研究和发展成本转为资本: capitalization of research and development costs成为,发展成: grow into发展成熟: pan out发展成为: bloom into; develop into不摊销已资本化研究和发展成本: non-amortization of capitalized research and development costs未摊销递延研究和发展成本帐户的动态: movements in the account of the unamortized deferred research and development costs已转为资本的研究和发展成本: capitalized research and development costs资本化研和发展成本的摊销法: amortization methods for capitalized research and development costs共享发展成果: share the fruits of development共计达;意味着;发展成: amount to精益生产发展成因: the formation of lean production展成: generation发展成一个现代化城市: develop into a modern city摊销递延研究和展成本的办法: basisusedtoamortizedeferredresearchanddevelopmentcosts将来会发展成为一个虚拟的sim卡: vsim成本会计的发展: development of costs accounting