发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...决策准则: decision rule决策准则: decision criteria; decision criterion目标决策准则: objectivistic decision criterion决策准则,判定准则: decision criteria复合判别准则, 复合决策准则: compound decision rule政策准则: policy guidelines巴基斯坦可持续发展决策研究所: mahmood khwaja, sustainable dev. policy institute, pakistan品牌扩展决策: brand-extension decision多准则决策: multiple criteria decision making决策衡量准则: decision criteria发展准则: development criterion多准则决策分析: multi-criteria decision methods多准则目标决策: multiple criteria decision make模糊多准则决策: making发展中国家的会计准则: accounting standards in developing countries经济合作发展组织准则: oecd guideline准则: norm; standard; criterion; rule; formula; square 党内政治生活的准则 the guiding principles for inner-party political life; 外交准则 diplomatic norms; 行为准则 code of conduct; 国际法的起码准则 elementary requirements of international law; 国际关系基本准则 basic norms of international relations; basic norms guiding international relations; 热力学准则 thermodynamic criterion决策: yes-no decision中小型矿业发展准则国际讨论会: international seminar on guidelines for the development of small- and medium- scale mining决策者往往是公司业务发展的关键: a decision maker usually is the key to the business development of a company用于决策的可持续发展指标讲习班: workshoon indicators of sustainable development for decision-making发展: 1.(变化) develop; expand; grow; burgeon; bourgeon 发展生产, 繁荣经济 develop production and bring about prosperous economy; 发展后劲 the staying power of development; 发展不平衡 the uneven development; 发展多种经营 develop diversified economy; 发展社会生产力 expand social productive forces; 语言总是在不断地发展着。 languages are always developing. 两国的友好合作关系日益发展。 the friendly cooperation between the two countries is growing with every passing day. 南方的造船业正在迅速发展。 the shipbuilding industry of the south is rapidly expanding.2.(扩大) recruit; admit 发展新党员 admit new party members cod准则: cod criteriontownsend准则: townsend criterion