发展中国家: developing country外债: foreign debt; foreign borrow ...问题: question; problem政府: government间: space in between; opening专家: specialist; expert; proficie ...组: group不结盟和发展中国家外债问题专家协商: expert consultative meeting of non-aligned and developing countries on external debt港口问题政府间专家组: intergovernmental grouof experts on ports不结盟和其他发展中国家外债问题协商会议: consultativemeetingofnon-alignedandotherdevelopingcountriesonexternaldebts发展中国家原料问题政府间小组: developing countries inter-governmental grouon raw materials; developing countries inter-governmental group on ras materials出口信贷担保机制问题政府间专家组: intergovernmental grouof experts on an export credit guarantee facility出口信贷担保设施问题政府间专家组: intergovernmental group of experts on an export credit guarantee facility多式联运问题政府间专家组: intergovernmental grouof experts on multimodal transport限制性商业惯例问题政府间专家组: intergovernmental grouof experts on restrictive business practices; intergovernmental group of experts on restrictive business practices引渡问题政府间专家组会议: intergovernmental expert groumeeting on extradition科学和技术发展问题政府间专家委员会: intergovernmental committee of experts on science and technology development发展中国家债务问题特设政府专家组: ad hoc group of governmental experts on the debt problems of developing countries; hoc grouof governmental experts on政府间专家组: intergovernmental grouof experts衡量人力资源流动的可行性问题政府间专家组: intregovernmental group of experts on the feasibility of measuring human resource flows厄尔尼诺问题政府间专家会议: intergovernmental meeting of experts on el nino岛屿发展中国家问题专家组会议: meeting of grouof experts on the problems of idcs发展中国家散装货运输问题专家组: group of experts on problems faced by the developing countries in the carriage of bulk cargoes伊斯兰国家安全和团结政府间专家组: inter-governmental experts grouon the security and solidarity of islamic states次区域发展中心政府间专家委员会: intergovernmental committee of experts of the subregional development centres
发展中国家外债问题政府间专家组的法语:groupe intergouvernemental d’experts chargé d’étudier les problèmes de la dette extérieure des pays en développement发展中国家外债问题政府间专家组的俄语:межправительственная группа экспертов по внешней задолженности развивающихся стран发展中国家外债问题政府间专家组的阿拉伯语:فريق الخبراء الحكومي الدولي المعني بالديون الخارجية للبلدان النامية;