This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 16616 兹证明东莞市泰发城商贸有限公司已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为16616 。
发: hair城: city wall; wall飞机出发城市: origin city出发城市与终点城市: city pair发成: fond发沉感: feel heavy发痴, 异想天开: to have bats in the belfry发车正点率: rate of on-time departure发迟: delay in growth of the hair; hair retardation; retardation in hair-growing; retarding of hair growth of children; tardiness of hair growing in infants发车站台: departureplatform发赤: blush; plethora; rubescence发车月台。: departure platform发赤剂 发红药: rubefacient发车信号: departure signal; dparture signal; outbound signalling