Internal combustion engines ; components of rotating piston engines , setup of engine , driving mechanism , definitions 内燃机.旋转活塞式发动机元部件发动机装置传动装
Road vehicles ; measurement method of gaseous pollutants emitted by mopeds equiped with a controlled ignition engine ; identical with iso 6855 , edition 1983 道路车辆.装有控制点火发动机装置的机动自行车排出气
A weakness of motor vehicles is that they are not always on , a fact that causes endless frustration for users needing transportation on cold winter days 发动机装置的交通工具有一个弱点,就是它们不是随时都出于开启的状态,以至在很冷的冬天让需要使用的人尽挫折,因为很难启动它们。