- feedback theory
- 反馈: feedback; couple back; retro ...
- 理论: theory
- 反馈: [电学] feedback; couple back; retroaction; tickling; back feed; recuperation; back-tracking; back coupling; return coupling 负反馈 negative feedback; 正反馈 positive feedback; 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 the information is fed back to the government department concerned
- 理论: theory 理论学习 study of the theory; 理论联系实际 integration of theory with practice; unite theory with practice; 理论脱离实际 theory divorced from practice; discrepancy between theory and practice; 在理论上 in terms of theory; on the theoretical plane; theortically; 理论队伍 theoretical contingent; 理论概括 theoretical generalization; framework; 理论根源 theoretical source; 理论工作 theoretical work; 理论公式 theoretical formula; 理论化 theorization; 理论基础 rationale; 理论家 theoretician; 理论价格 theoretical price; 理论科学学 theoretical science of science; 理论框架 theoretical frame; 理论轮廓 theoretical profile; 理论骗子 theoretical swindler; 理论水平 theoretical level; 理论思维 theoretical thinking; 理论素养 theoretical attainment
- 长反馈: long loo feedback; long loofeedback; long-loop feedback