反馈: feedback; couple back; retro ...与: take part in; participate in对话: have a dialogue or conversat ...反馈与: feedback and review反馈与检查: feedback and review员工绩效反馈与绩效辅导: employees’ performance feedback and performance tutorship对话: have a dialogue or conversation; dialogue; conversation; talk 两国对话 a dialogue between two states; 人机对话 [计算机] man-machine interaction; 开始对话 open (start) a dialogue; 南北对话 north-south dialogue; 生动的对话 a vivid dialogue; “对话比对抗好, 缓和比紧张好。” “dialogue is better than confrontation; and relaxation is better than tension.”对话仍然是轻松友好的。 the dialogue remained light and friendly.; 对话方式 conversational [interactive] mode; 对话汇编程序 conversation assembler; 对话系统 conversational system; 对话语言 conversational language; 对话者 interlocutor 顺序反馈人机对话检索系统: sequential feedback interactive retrieval system反馈: [电学] feedback; couple back; retroaction; tickling; back feed; recuperation; back-tracking; back coupling; return coupling 负反馈 negative feedback; 正反馈 positive feedback; 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 the information is fed back to the government department concerned比较与对比: comparison and contrast冲击与对策: impact and measure会合与对接: rendock象征与对比: symbols and contrast与对手角逐: a contest with an opponent与对手较量: take on an opponent与对手竞争: contend与对象共事: working with objects亮度与对比度: bright and contrast; brightness contrast; brightness and contrast编对话: create a dialogue = make ua dialogue; make conversations; make uconversations短对话: short conversation对白,对话: dialog(ue)对话-拾壹: dialogue对话,对白: dialogue对话;谈话: conversation对话报: doi thoai