



        反复:    repeatedly; again and again; ...
        再三:    over and over again; time an ...
        反复, 再三:    over and again; over and over
        反复地,再三地:    again and again
        再三地, 反复地:    again and again
        再三地,反复地:    again and again
        再三:    over and over again; time and again; again and again; repeatedly 再三考虑 consider over and over again; 再三嘱咐 bid or tell again and again; 再三道谢 thank someone again and again
        反复:    1.(重复) repeatedly; again and again; time and again; over and over again 反复解释 explain over and over again; 反复思考 think and think; think a lot about sth.; turn sth. over in one's mind again and again; contemplate; 这个计划是经过反复讨论而产生的。 the plan was born out of repeated discussions.2.(翻悔) reversal; relapse; changeable; fickle 思想上有反复 have ideological relapses; 我讲话是算数的, 决不反复。 i mean what i say and shall never react from [go back on] my words.3.(回到原有状态) reversal; relapse 有很多反复和曲折 full of reversals and zigzags; 你的病虽然好了, 可要防止反复。 you are well now, but mind you don't have a relapse
        一再,再三:    over and over (again)
        再三的:    repeated
        再三地:    again and again; repeatedly
        猜度再三:    form a judgement again and again
        叮咛再三:    repeat instructions; give advice repeatedly
        经再三劝告:    after repeated exhortations
        权衡再三:    weigh and balance again and again
        一而再, 再三:    once and again
        一再地,再三地:    over and over(again); overandover(again)
        再三;几次三番:    time after time
        再三拜谢:    bow many times and thank someone again and again
        再三道谢:    thank someone again and again
        再三的努力:    siege
        再三叮嘱:    advise repeatedly
        再三烦扰:    in one's wool [hair]
        再三考虑:    on second thoughts; think twice
        再三苦劝:    use all one's skill to dissuade ..


  1. "反复"英文
  2. "反复, 再三"英文
  3. "反复、重复干某事"英文
  4. "反复,多次重复"英文
  5. "反复,一再"英文
  6. "反复;多次"英文
  7. "反复按压"英文
  8. "反复焙炼"英文
  9. "反复逼近法"英文
  10. "反复辟"英文


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