Observations of " uminance - current density - voltage relations at constant voltage driving were repeated . the decrease of both luminance and current density during constant voltage driving was observed 经研究发现通过中断器件工作时所加电场或者加反向电场,器件工作过程中发生的衰变在一定程度上是可恢复。
Both spontaneous and reverse - bias assisted recoveries of device performances were observed , and these degradation and recover } " phenomena were discussed in terms of the movement of ionic impurities and the formation of permanent and induced electric field dipoles in organic layers 文中定性的比较了在中断电场和反向电场前后的发光特性变化,定量的给出了中断电场和反向电场前后发生器件性能衰变的恢复程度。