

发音:   用"反光漆"造句
  • reflective paint
  • reflectorized paint
  • 反光:    reflect light; blink
  • :    lacquer; paint
  • 反光漆油:    reflective paint
  • 光漆:    lac varnish
  • 反光:    1.(使光线反射) reflect light; blink 白墙反光, 屋里显得很敞亮。 with the white walls reflecting the light, the room looks bright and spacious. 镜子能反光。 a mirror reflects light.2.(光的反射) reflection of light


  1. To alert passengers about the gap , light rail has painted all platform edges with reflective white paint and put up notices inside all light rail vehicles


        反光:    reflect light; blink
        :    lacquer; paint
        反光漆油:    reflective paint
        光漆:    lac varnish
        反光:    1.(使光线反射) reflect light; blink 白墙反光, 屋里显得很敞亮。 with the white walls reflecting the light, the room looks bright and spacious. 镜子能反光。 a mirror reflects light.2.(光的反射) reflection of light
        暗光漆:    flat paint
        半光漆:    satinwood finish
        发光漆:    glazing paint; lube paint; luminous paint; luminous point
        加光漆:    polish
        亮光漆:    glossy ink
        磷光漆:    pho horescent paint; phosphorescent coating; phosphorescent paint
        磨光漆:    body vanish; body varnish; polishing varnish; rubbing varnish
        抛光漆:    polishing varnish
        平光漆:    flat enamel; flat paint
        全光漆:    full gloss paint; high gloss paint
        上光漆:    clear finishing varnish; gloss varnish
        推光漆:    refined chinese lacquer
        无光漆:    antiglare paint; dull varnish; flat paint; flat varnish; frosting varnish; lusterless paint; lustreless paint; mat vanish
        夜光漆:    luminous paint
        荧光漆:    fluorescence paint; fluorescent paint
        硬光漆:    hard gloss paint
        油光漆:    varnish
        有光漆:    gloss paint
        罩光漆:    clear lacquer; finishing paint; finishing varnish; topcoat; varnish
        遮光漆:    black out paint


  1. "反光膜"英文
  2. "反光能力"英文
  3. "反光钮"英文
  4. "反光片"英文
  5. "反光谱"英文
  6. "反光漆油"英文
  7. "反光器"英文
  8. "反光强度"英文
  9. "反光取景镜"英文
  10. "反光取景器"英文


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