

发音:   用"双面胶布"造句
  • cloth insertion sheet
  • fabric inserted sheet
  • fabric sandwich
  • 双面:    two-sided; double-edged; dou ...
  • 胶布:    rubberized fabric; mackintos ...
  • 双面胶:    double faced adhesive tape; double sided adhesive tape; double sides adhesive tape; tesa
  • 单面胶布:    cloth-one-side sheet; fabric-backed sheeting
  • 单双面胶纸:    single-double-side offset paper


  1. Stick the ballast on the nearest place from the headlamp in the engine room firmly by using double - faced tape , cable tie and etc


        双面:    two-sided; double-edged; dou ...
        胶布:    rubberized fabric; mackintos ...
        双面胶:    double faced adhesive tape; double sided adhesive tape; double sides adhesive tape; tesa
        单面胶布:    cloth-one-side sheet; fabric-backed sheeting
        单双面胶纸:    single-double-side offset paper
        双面胶带:    double sticky tape; doubleside tape
        双面胶片:    double coated film
        双面胶印机:    offset perfector
        双面胶粘带:    double-faced adhesive tape; double-sided sdhesive
        双面胶纸:    double-coating tape
        透明双面胶:    double adhesive vinyl
        双面擦胶布:    double friction fabric
        超透明双面胶:    super clear double adhesive vinyl
        贴版双面胶带:    double-side adhesive tape
        双面涂胶布单:    double rubber coated sheeting
        单张纸双面胶印机:    sheet-fed offset perfector
        双面胶管成型机:    double-sided hose building and wrapping machine
        胶布:    1.(涂上胶的布) rubberized fabric; mackintosh; blanket cloth; proof fabric2.[口语] (橡皮膏) adhesive plaster◇胶布带 [电学] rubberized tape; adhesive tape;胶布层 carcass; carcase; 胶布绝缘带 rubberized tape
        双面:    two-sided; double-edged; double-faced; reversible 双面刀片 a double-edged razor blade; 双面粗花呢 reversible homespun; 双面锉刀 double-ender; 双面缎纹呢 japilline; 双面法兰绒 shaker flannel; 双面复制页 duopage; 双面横棱缎 peau de soie; 双面厚绒布 domet; domett flannel; 双面滑动 two face sliding; 双面加热 sandwich heating; 双面胶印机 offset perfector; 双面金属化纸 double-sided metallized paper; 双面绢网印花机 duplex screen printing machine; 双面盲文印刷 interpoint; 双面模板 match plate; 双面绒布 beaver; 双面绒棉毯 felted flannel; 双面软(磁)盘 two-sided flexible disk; 双面搪瓷 counterenamel; 双面提花(无绒头)地毯 ingrain carpet; 双面涂布 double spread; 双面纬向棱纹毛呢 biarritz; 双面无绒头地毯 [伊朗、土] khilim; kelim; ghileems; 双面相纸 duplex paper; 双面绣 double-faced embroidery; 双面摇纱机 double reeling frame; 双面印花 duplex printing; 双面印花丝府绸 helvetia; 双面印花织物 [刷] tapissendis; 双面印刷电路 circuitron; 双面印刷电路板 double-sided printed-circuit board; 双面印刷机 perfecting press; perfector; 双面印制板 double-clad board; 双面印制线路板 double side printed wiring board; 双面帐户 two-way account; 双面针迹 duplicate stitch; 双面针织物 double jersey; 双面整理 full-finish; 双面织物 reversible cloth; reversible; 双面装修 double measure
        橡胶布,胶布:    rubberized cloth
        衬面胶:    facing rubber
        胎面胶:    cap stock; green tread; rubber tread compound; tread ru er; tread rubber; tread stock
        黑胶布:    [电学] black tape; friction tape
        夹胶布:    cloth-both-sides
        胶布板:    textolite


  1. "双面剪"英文
  2. "双面剪床"英文
  3. "双面剪铆钉"英文
  4. "双面剪铆接"英文
  5. "双面胶"英文
  6. "双面胶带"英文
  7. "双面胶管成型机"英文
  8. "双面胶片"英文
  9. "双面胶印机"英文
  10. "双面胶粘带"英文


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