

发音:   用"双面材质"造句


  1. Sided vs 2 - sided . its easy to see the differences in an object rendered without 2 - sided ( left ) and one that is ( right )
    单面vs .双面很容易就能看出不使用双面材质(左边)和使用双面材质(右边)的物体渲染效果的不同。
  2. The double sided leaf shader is a surface shader that produces the & quot; double sided & quot; effect by switching between two separate material nodes depending on whether or not the surface normal of the point being shaded is facing the camera


        双面:    two-sided; double-edged; dou ...
        材质:    material quality
        双面材质显示:    sided
        背面材质:    back material
        表面材质:    facing material
        双面材料:    double sided materials
        内表面材质号:    backside id
        外表面材质号:    outside id
        造型表面材质设定:    surface material
        面材:    face bar; face material; plane materiel
        材质:    (材料质地) material quality
        双面:    two-sided; double-edged; double-faced; reversible 双面刀片 a double-edged razor blade; 双面粗花呢 reversible homespun; 双面锉刀 double-ender; 双面缎纹呢 japilline; 双面法兰绒 shaker flannel; 双面复制页 duopage; 双面横棱缎 peau de soie; 双面厚绒布 domet; domett flannel; 双面滑动 two face sliding; 双面加热 sandwich heating; 双面胶印机 offset perfector; 双面金属化纸 double-sided metallized paper; 双面绢网印花机 duplex screen printing machine; 双面盲文印刷 interpoint; 双面模板 match plate; 双面绒布 beaver; 双面绒棉毯 felted flannel; 双面软(磁)盘 two-sided flexible disk; 双面搪瓷 counterenamel; 双面提花(无绒头)地毯 ingrain carpet; 双面涂布 double spread; 双面纬向棱纹毛呢 biarritz; 双面无绒头地毯 [伊朗、土] khilim; kelim; ghileems; 双面相纸 duplex paper; 双面绣 double-faced embroidery; 双面摇纱机 double reeling frame; 双面印花 duplex printing; 双面印花丝府绸 helvetia; 双面印花织物 [刷] tapissendis; 双面印刷电路 circuitron; 双面印刷电路板 double-sided printed-circuit board; 双面印刷机 perfecting press; perfector; 双面印制板 double-clad board; 双面印制线路板 double side printed wiring board; 双面帐户 two-way account; 双面针迹 duplicate stitch; 双面针织物 double jersey; 双面整理 full-finish; 双面织物 reversible cloth; reversible; 双面装修 double measure
        衬面材:    meeting-face timber
        径面材:    edge-grain lumber; rift-sawed lumber
        净面材:    clear cutting board
        弦面材:    bastard lumber; slash-grain lumber
        材质1:    mat1~mat9
        材质库:    materials library; matlib
        材质商:    quotient of quality
        材质图:    texture map; thaana
        底材质:    bottom materials
        壳材质:    shell material
        项材质:    tomaterials
        背面材料:    back material
        表面材料:    finishes


  1. "双面布,珠地双面"英文
  2. "双面擦胶"英文
  3. "双面擦胶布"英文
  4. "双面猜谜"英文
  5. "双面材料"英文
  6. "双面材质显示"英文
  7. "双面采区"英文
  8. "双面槽"英文
  9. "双面层"英文
  10. "双面差厚电镀锡薄钢板"英文


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