Sided vs 2 - sided . its easy to see the differences in an object rendered without 2 - sided ( left ) and one that is ( right ) 单面vs .双面很容易就能看出不使用双面材质(左边)和使用双面材质(右边)的物体渲染效果的不同。
The double sided leaf shader is a surface shader that produces the & quot; double sided & quot; effect by switching between two separate material nodes depending on whether or not the surface normal of the point being shaded is facing the camera 双面叶材质是一个表面材质,能通过切换两个分别的材质节点来产生双面材质效果,它的材质是依赖在表面上的面对摄像机时的表面法线方向与否来区分被着色点。