- bilateral preliminary agreement
- 双边: bilateral; doubling piece
- 预约: make an appointment
- 预约: 1.(预先约定时间) make an appointment 门诊预约挂号 make an oppointment with a doctor; 预约会见某人 meet sb. by appointment; 他只根据预约会客。 he will only see visitors by appointment.2.(预订) order; subscribe 它们都是专门预约的。 they were all specially ordered
- 双边: bilateral; doubling piece 签定双边协定 sign a bilateral agreement; 双边贷款 bilateral loan; 双边法律关系 bilateral legal relations; 双边钢领 reversible ring; 双边合同 bilateral contract; 双边会谈 bilateral talks; 双边货币进出国境协定 bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each other's territory; 双边进口配额 bilateral import quota; 双边买主垄断 bilateral oligopoly; bilateral monopoly; 双边贸易 bilateral trade; two-way trade; 双边贸易协定 bilateral trade agreement; 双边配额 bilateral quota; 双边清算 bilateral clearing; 双边税收抵免协定 bilateral agreement on tax credit; 双边谈判 bilateral negotiations; 双边条约 bilateral treaty; 双边协定 bilateral agreement; 双边信贷互惠协定 bilateral swap agreement; 双边有价证券投资 bilateral portfolio investment; 双边援助 bilateral assistance; 双边支付 bilateral payment; 双边支付协定 bilateral payment agreement; 双边主义 bilateralism
- 路边预留地: verge of road