

发音:   用"双条播种"造句


        :    two; twin; both; dual
        条播:    sowing in drill; sowing in l ...
        :    species
        带状播种 施肥条播 条播:    bandseeding
        亚麻条播种机:    flax drill
        条播:    sowing in drill; sowing in line; sowing in strip 这种谷物是条播的。 the grain was sown in drill.; 条播行距 drill spacing; 条播机 drill seeder; drill planter; furrow drill; drill; seed drill; 条播犁 seed drill plough; 条播栽培 drill culture
        双条件:    if and only if
        播种:    (作物栽培措施之一) sowing; seeding◇播种季节 seedtime; season of sowing; 播种量 seeding rate; 播种密度 density of crop; thickness of sowing; 播种面积 area under crops; sown area; seeded area; 播种深度 depth of seeding; 播种术 seedage; 播种者 sower; disseminator
        具双条的:    bivittate
        具双条纹的:    bistriate
        逻辑双条件:    if and only if
        双条件打印:    biconditional printing
        双条件流:    biconditional flow
        双条件门:    biconditional gate
        双条件叙述:    biconditional statement
        双条件语句:    biconditional statement
        双条件闸:    biconditional gate
        双条件总线:    biconditional bus
        双条圈条器:    twin coiler
        双条双轭法:    double bar and double yoke method; double bar and yoke method
        点条播:    spaced seed
        密条播:    dense sowing in line
        浅条播:    surface drilling
        条播法:    drilling method
        条播机:    drill planter; drill seeder; driller; row drill; scuffle drill; seed drill, drilling machine


  1. "双填角焊缝"英文
  2. "双填隙子"英文
  3. "双填隙子双填隙"英文
  4. "双田"英文
  5. "双甜点"英文
  6. "双条件"英文
  7. "双条件打印"英文
  8. "双条件的, 双态的"英文
  9. "双条件流"英文
  10. "双条件门"英文


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