The mapping engineering research for mabs double suction impeller 双吸泵叶轮测绘工程研究
Double suction volute pumps 双吸螺旋泵
Dual leech is possible , if you get life leech as a random mod 血魔双吸也是有可能的,只要合成的戒指的随机属性中有吸血的属性。
Ben : alright , i ' d find sometimes to “ la new ” shop to pick one perfect airwave shoes ! and buy a “ lamisil spray ” to kill the damn ringworm ! 那我建议你买双吸汗棉袜,再选一双透气的鞋子让你的脚可”深呼吸” !
Sow series single stage double entry pump is a horizontally split volute centrifugal pump , mainly used to handle clean water or liquids similar to water in physical and chemical properties , temperature not above 105 Sow系列单级双吸泵系水平中开蜗壳式离心泵,主要供输送温度不高于105的清水或理化性质类似于水的液体。