In this paper , zooplankton communities , their species composition and indicator species in the east china sea and the yellow sea were examined with multivariate methods . in the southern part of the yellow sea , where was known as an important spawning ground of anchovy , the seasonal variations of zooplankton were studied in details with respect to species composition , abundance , biomass and vertical distribution . furthermore zooplankton indication of the yellow sea warm current ( yswc ) in winter was discussed 本论文用数理统计方法(包括:双向指示种分析、多维定标序列分析、判别分析和多元回归分析)对春、秋两季东、黄海浮游动物群落进行了划分、确定各群落的指示种;对南黄海浮游动物的种类组成、分布及其时空变化进行了研究,并与历史资料进行了比较;并探讨了黄海冷水团对某些浮游动物的意义,以及浮游动物对黄海暖流指示。