Since 1972 , j series hammers and various rock drll bits have been developed , among them two products have won the prices of the national science conferences and fourteen products obtained scientific and technical achievement prices from the metaillurgy , ministry . all the products have been widely used in metal , coal , and industrial mineral mines , hydroelectrie construction sites and sold to the foreign markets as well . cimr machinery plant is a department responsible for trial - producing , manufacturing and marketing the research achievements of cimr , it has started manufacturing hammers and rock drill bits since 1958 在与tanhoanganh公司主要代理建筑和工程机械总经理nguyen huy huyen的交流过程中,当我们谈到cs165智能整体型一体化液压潜孔钻机可钻凿100m深的孔,能把偏斜率控制在1 %以内,整个凿岩过程在定位完成后自动完成,并配备了双动力驱动系统时,他举起大拇指,大呼“ powerful
双: two; twin; both; dual动力: motive power; power; dynamic驱动: drive; prime mover动力驱动: motivational drive; power wheel drive; power-drive动力驱动泵: power-driven pump动力驱动的: power operated; power-actuated; powerdriven; poweroperated动力驱动系统: power drive system; power driven system; power-driven system核动力驱动的: atomic-driven; nuclear driven; nuclear-driven伺服动力驱动: servo power drive动力驱动操舵装置: power-driven steering gear动力驱动的航空器: power driven aircraft动力驱动的行走轮: power-driven wheel动力驱动加强器: power drive booster动力驱动快速停堆: power-driven scram动力驱动压缩机: power driven compressor动力驱动摆动式钉齿耙: reciprocating power driven tine harrow; reciprocating power-driven tine harrow动力驱动离合器操纵杆: control lever for power drive; control lever for power-drive动力驱动式天窗操纵装置: power drive skylight controlling gear非动力驱动的航空器: non-power-driven aircraft波力驱动船: wave powered boat; wave-powered boat磁力驱动泵: magnetic force driving pump电力驱动: electric drive; electric propulsion电力驱动的: motor driven; power actuated; power driven; power-actuated定马力驱动: constant horse power drive风力驱动船: wind driven ship