友人: friend网: net友人: friend 外国友人 foreign friend人网: pan送友人: seeing off a friend友人报: friend the; munno; nadeem个人网: personal area network报友人书: a reply to a friend show gratitude torecompenserepayrequite捕获友人: capturing the friedmans长期友人: longtime friends和日本友人: in reply to my japanese friend饯别友人: give a friend a farewell dinner碰到友人: meet a friend慎择友人: choice of companions似友人地: friendly外国友人: foreign friend无友人的: unfriended与友人同往: go together with a friend a surname暂寓友人处: be staying with a friend imply个人网页: entertainment/people; personal page个人网站: personal pages; personal web page管理人网: manaren经理人网: cipm联合寻人网: china uniseek名人网站: personal websites for the famous