参: ginseng孙: grandson睡觉: sleep; fall asleep; go to be ...活动: move about; exercise身体: body参孙: sampsonsamson; samson不断上下移动身体: weave身体活动: body movement变换步法移动身体重心: drop shift动身: go on a journey; begin a journey; depart; set out on a journey; leave (for a distant place) 动身回家 depart for home; 动身起程 set out for the journey; 我明天动身去北京。 i'll leave for beijing tomorrow. 如果你许可, 我立即就动身。 in case you give me leave, i will start at once. 早饭后我们立即动身了。 we got off immediately after breakfast醒来: wake up,wake; waken up; wakenawoken身体活动能力: physical performance身体活动削弱: impaired physical mobility身体活动障碍: disturbance of body movement睡觉: sleep; fall asleep; go to bed; have a sleep; go to sleep; get to sleep; put sb. to sleep; slumber; nap 他累了, 睡觉很沉。 he is tired, he sleeps like a log醒来,醒来: wake up,wake up身体功能训练活动: body function training activity身体代谢活动的衰退: reduce metabolism of the body参孙的故事: the stow of samson力士参孙: samson agonistes动态身体活动度,动态体力活动: dynamic physical activity身体: 1.(人体) body 矮胖结实的身体 a tubby, solid body; 身体上的伤害 infliction of body; 保持身体平衡 keep one's balance; 小孩睡羽绒床身体会变弱。 a feather bed enervates the body of a child. 我们穿衣, 使身体保持温暖。 we wear clothes to keep our bodies warm. 他一向身体很健康。 he has always had good health.2.(健康) health 注意身体 look after one's health; 身体好, 学习好, 工作好 keep fit, study well and work hard; 身体健全 physical fitness; 身体劳损 physical strain; 身体疲劳 physical fatigue; 身体器官 machine; 身体缺陷 impediment; 身体素质 physical quality; 身体损伤 somatic damage; 身体钟 body clock 出发, 动身: sally forth; take to the road动身,开始: set out动身去: go off to ; be off to; leave for; start for