参加: join; attend; take part in; ...申办: bid活动: move about; exercise摊缴合办活动经费: contributions to joint activities加申: gashin申办: bid 申办奥运会 bid for the olympic games参加(仪式,活动): attend参加活动: campus activities; take积极参加(活动): take an active运动,参加(体育)活动: do sport参加商务活动: attending business events参加社交活动: go out谁去参加活动: community involvement activitiesi(灯)熄灭;参加社交活动: go out参加大型的活动: join sb. in take参加节日活动者: festivalgoer参加经济活动人口: economically active population参加小型的活动: join sb. in take参加自愿植树活动: to embark on a voluntary tree-planting campaign积极参加文娱活动: take an active part in recreational activities来到(某地),共计,来参加(活动): come to阿加申: agashin卢加申: lugashin申办者: o or; sponsor参加恐怖活动组织罪: crime of taking n an organization engaged in terrorist activities