In that year county after county fell to the enemy . 那一年一个又一个的县城沦入敌人手中。
The son had an affair with a woman at the country seat, fifteen miles away . 儿子和十五里外县城里的一个女人鬼混。
There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people .. 小小县城只有一家公共浴池,因此天天爆满。
Evangelists from all the surrounding counties, from as far south as florida and as far north as chicago, came together in one place to break the bread of life . 福音传教士以周围所有的县城南自佛罗里达,北至芝加哥云集一堂,共进圣餐。
Other resort counties have seen similar increases 其他旅游之地县城也有类似增长。
〔美国〕县城。: county seat滑县城: huaxiancheng小县城: the county down〔英国〕郡城;〔美国〕县城。: county town格洛斯特县城: gloucester courthouse壮大县城经济: expand intra-county econmies常山县城市供水一期工程: no.phase city water supply project of changshan county县城乡建设环境保护局: urban and rural construction and environmental protection bureau of ... county那一年一个又一个的县城沦入敌人手中: in that year county after county fell to the enemy他们赶忙把工作做完然后动身到县城去: they hurried through the work and started off for the county town县城乡建设统一管理领导办公室: central administering and leading office for urban and rural construction of ... county县长也可译成: county manager县长的: prefectural县川口: xianchuankou县长: the head of a county; county magistrate县次: kenji县藏: kenzo县次郎: kenjiro县, 郡: county
县城的法语:Siège de comté县城的日语:県城.県人民政府が置かれている町.县城的韩语:[명사] 현 정부 소재지(縣政府所在地). 현도(縣都).县城的俄语:[xiànchéng] уездный город [центр]县城的阿拉伯语:مقر مقاطعة; 县城的印尼文:ibu kota county; 县城什么意思:xiànchéng 县行政机关所在的城镇。