去除: dislodge粘: glue; stick; paste; adhere t ...附小: attached primary school表面: surface; superficies; bounda ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...尘土: dust落在物体表面的尘土: dirt that had become ground into the surface小麦粒: wheat berry; wheat groats早晨里的尘土: morning dust比颗粒表面: specific grain surface粗晶粒表面: dog skin颗粒表面: particle surface颗粒表面积: particle surface area; surface area of particle掸掸柜子的尘土: dust the shelves弹去靴上的尘土: flip the dust from one扑打身上的尘土: dust off one's clothes我是你脚下的尘土: i am the dust under your feet小麦粒线虫病: nematode disease of wheat小麦粒瘿线虫: anguina tritici粉粒表面引力: particle surface attraction颗粒表面曲率: grain curvature砂粒表面结构: sand surface texture附小: [简] (附属小学) attached primary school把脚上的尘土跺下去: shake off the dust of your feet小麦粒的粉质胚乳: wheat berry