- crude ore
- dirt
- green ore
- grena
- raw ore
- reaction ore
- 石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...
- 还原矿石: reduced ore
- 露天矿采出的原矿石: run of pit ore
- 原矿: crude ore; green ore; grena; head ore; mine run; original ore; pit run; pit-run ore; raw ore; rom type ore; rough ore; run of mine ore; run-of-mine ore; run-of-mine type ore; runofmineore
- 矿石: ore; mineral 富矿石 high-grade ore; 贫矿石 low-grade ore; 矿石仓 [采矿工程] ore bin; 矿石车 ore car; 矿石处理量 throughput; 矿石船 orecarrier; 矿石回采率 ore recovery rate; 矿石加工 ore milling; 矿石码头 ore terminal; 矿石配料 ore-burden; 矿石品位 ore grade; 矿石品位分级 ore grade; 矿石破碎机 ore crusher; 矿石收音机 crystal radio; crystal set; detector set; 矿石研磨机 ore grinder