Third - order nonlinear optical properties of the mo s cu cluster compounds 含硫原子簇化合物的三阶非线性光学性质
Ordering and clustering occur simultaneously , and no gp zones are found 有序化与原子簇聚过程同时发生,没有发现gp区的存在。
The analysis of the chemisorption bond has been carried out by means of projection operator techniques 通过用射影算子方法,我们对所有原子簇模型中的化学吸附键进行了分析。
In instable region the precipitation mechanism of " phase is congruent ordering followed by spinodal decomposition , and ordering occurs prior to clustering 失稳区合金相的早期沉淀机制为:等成分有序化+失稳分解,有序化先于原子簇聚发生。
Computer simulation was firstly performed on the precipitation mechanism at mean - field spinodal lines in complicated system with ordering and clustering 首次对既存在有序化又存在原子簇聚的复杂体系中平均场失稳线上合金的沉淀机制进行计算机模拟。
原子簇化学(Cluster chemistry)是当前化学中最饶有兴趣而又极其活跃的领域之一,首先由弗兰克?阿尔伯特?科顿于1966年提出,对研究生命科学、材料科学、有机金属化学等领域都有很重要的意义。卢嘉锡将clusters译为“原子簇”,将cluster compound译为“原子簇化合物”,而把transition metal cluster译为“过渡金属簇合物”。