Obtaining ultra - cold atoms by optical molasses directly from vapor 直接从气室获得3超低温铯原子光学粘团
The theoretical development and experimental realization of atomic squeezing is one of the greatest progresses in optical and atomic optics 压缩原子理论的发现及其实验的实现是量子光学与原子光学中重大进展之一。
We also discuss some potential applications of the he11 - mode output beam in atom optics , such as atomic funnel and guiding , and so on 此外,我们讨论了he _ ( 11 )模输出中空光束在原子光学中的潜在应用,比如原子导引与原子漏斗等。
Moreover , we propose some atom - optical elements based on the vccc , such as atomic funnel , atomic beam splitter and atomic interferometer . in the scheme of the uccc 最后,利用v -型载流导体构建了多种原子光学器件,例如原子漏斗,原子分束器和原子干涉仪等。
In the case of single - channel magnetic guiding , we calculate the relationship between the guiding efficiency and electric current or the transverse temperature of atomic beam . we also propose several atom - optical elements base on the uccc 本文也计算了单通道磁导引情况下,原子导引效率和电流、原子束横向温度之间的关系,并采用u -型载流导体构建了多种原子光学器件。