Photocopying black and white on a4 size paper 原大尺寸的黑白影印本
Download full size image 下传原大照片
The model is suggested to be of a size about one - tenth of the real work with colour scheme and scale 建议模型约为原大十分之一(并注明颜色配置及比例) 。请贴上填妥之参赛作品标签
The da electric tool works , the main products are sanding machine , hot air guns , lawn machines , electric grinding head , curve sawing , waxing machine 原大成电动工具厂,主要产品有砂光机、热风枪、草坪机、电磨头、曲线锯、打蜡机等。
A dramatic full - size shuttle nose section houses a cockpit demonstration area where information on the shuttles control and operations systems are presented 最瞩目的是一个实物原大的穿梭机机首,内有驾驶舱,展示穿梭机的控制及操作系统。