厕所: lavatory; washroom; water cl ...冲: powerful; with vim and vigou ...水: water厕所冲水箱: water closet flush tank冲水厕所: water closet阀冲水厕所: valve closet杠杆阀冲水厕所: valve closet冲水: flush water; flushing; top water; topwater; water filling; water jet厕所: lavatory; washroom; water closet (wc); toilet; latrine; [美俚] john; the w.c.: 厕所在哪里? where is the w.c.?; where can i wash my hand?; where can i add some powder?; where is the toilet?; where is the lavatory?; where's the restroom? 最近的厕所在西街。 the nearest public conveniences are in west street冲水泵: flush water pump; jet water pump冲水阀: flushing valve; flushometer冲水管: flush pipe; jet water spout; wash pipe冲水机: flushing machine冲水口: wash port冲水器: flusher冲水箱: flush tank; flushing cistern; flushing tank; tank for flushing; waste preventer冲水渣: granulation of slag; granulationofslag反冲水: backwash water脉冲水: pulsating water铸工变电所冲压: transformer of casting shop-stamping shop〔俚语〕厕所。: bog-house(厕所)无人: vacant表示“厕所”: ladies' room厕所舱: head厕所的: lavatorial