The interactions concentrate on two regions : the compressed region in the front and the rarefied region in the wake 这种相互作用,集中在两个区域内:即前部压缩区和尾部稀化区。
This paper is devoted to a detailed investigation of non - steady interaction between the moving body and plasma in compression region , whose dominating equations are obtained and whose phenomena are simulated 文献[ 12 ]中采用双流体、双时标近似,得到了压缩区内高频调制场对带电粒子非稳态作用的控制方程。
That is to say , high frequency modulational field radiated from the antenna system of moving bodies influents the charge distribution in plasma , while the disturbance of the charge distribution influents the field conversely 也就是说,在压缩区内,飞行体天线辐射出的高频调制场,影响着等离子体中的电荷分布,而电荷分布的扰动又反过来影响场量。
The equation of state ( eos ) of metals can be described commendably by the so - called trinomial eos which have " the cold part " , the thermal part contributing by crystal ( or atoms ) and the thermal part contributing by electrons 冲击压缩区的金属通常可以由所谓的三项式物态方程描述,即将物态方程分成相对独立的“冷贡献” 、 “晶格(原子实)热贡献”和“电子热贡献”三部分。
Robert c gauthier , mike ashman , athanasios frangioudakis , hawie mende and shanjun ma , radiation - pressure - based cylindrically shaped microactuator capable of smooth , continuous , reversible and stepped rotation , applied optics , vol . 38 , no . 22 ( 1999 ) 4850 ? 4860 马善钧,徐学翔,空间飞行体与压缩区内等离子体非稳态相互作用的数值模拟,空间科学学报,第21卷,第4期, ( 2001 ) 305 - - 310 。