压力: pressure; tension研究: study; research程能力研究: ppk电力研究室: bips brunel institute of power systems电力研究所: electric power research institute动力研究室: laboratory of power mechanics能力研究: capability study; capacity study生育力研究: fertility studies水力研究: hydraulic study水力研究所: hydraulic research station听力研究所: institute of hearing research智力研究所: institute of noetic studies听力研究所,听力研究学会: institute of hearing research电力研究院(美国): epri electric power research institute儿童智力研究: children’s intelligence机动能力研究: mcs空气动力研究: aerodynamic investigation; aerodynamic study流体动力研究: fluid dynamic research食管动力研究: esophageal motility study听力研究学会: institute of hearing research通过能力研究: capacity study长期制程能力研究: long term process capability study; longtermprocesscapabilitystudy成长力研究分析: growth analysis初始过程能力研究: l preliminary process capability study; l preliminary process capability study地盘发展潜力研究: site potential study