

发音:   用"历史模拟"造句


  1. The var model could be formulated hi 3 ways : historical stimulation method , variance - covariance approach and monte - carlo simulation
  2. During the course of establishing this kind of system , we have adopted some advanced instruments and analyzing ways , and used var ( value at risk ) as the base of making models . we also have used regression and historical simulation to evaluate the risks existing during the course of commercial banks " operation , upgraded these ways to make them cooperate with china ' s economic practice , pointed out some indexes and concepts which have practical significance , expanded the academic fields , and connected the normal ways and practical ways together . in this thesis , we have paid more attention to the practical research
    在进行风险评估体系的构建过程中,本文充分借鉴了国外先进的研究工具和分析方法,以var ( valueatrisk )方法作为相关模型构建的数理基础,采用了回归分析、历史模拟等系列研究工具,对我国商业银行经营过程中的风险情况进行了跟踪模拟与综合测评,并结合我国具体现实对所用方法进行了升级与改造,提出了一些具有较强使用价值的指标概念,并在此基础上进行了进一步的理论延伸,做到了规范研究与实证研究相结合,着重突出了现实意义。
  3. It ' s in order to form the operation system of stock risk measurement and to promote the development of our stock market more stable . the article firstly makes the statement from the background of var , the history and ideology of var , then expatiate on the principle and method of var . there are three typical calculating method of var : history simulation method , analytic method and monte carlo simulation method
    本文首先从var产生的背景、 var方法的历史沿革及var方法的基本思想三个方面对var模型的基本内容作了初步的叙述;其次,对var计算的基本原理与方法进行了全面的阐述,其中详细论述了三种典型的var计算方法:历史模拟法、解析法及montecarlo模拟法。
  4. So it can avoid risk of model and computer rightly the var of extreme event . this article presents the theory of extreme value and character of tail of distribution and gives the example of var with index of shanghai stock market by evt , then compares the var result of different computation methods and concludes that traditional var method is static state model and var with evt is dynamic conservative model and has the ability of forecasting risk out of sample comparing to historical simulation method


        历史:    history; past records
        模拟:    imitate; copy
        历史模式:    historical pattern
        历史模型:    historical models
        gt对象历史模型:    gt model
        gt模型, 对象历史模型:    gt model
        历史:    history; past records 历史上 in history; down the ages; 隐瞒自己的历史 conceal one's past record; 用历史观点看问题 look at the problem from a historical point of view; 历史背景 historical background; 历史博物馆 history museum; 历史潮流 historical trend; tide of history; 历史车轮 wheel of history; 历史地理学 historical geography; 历史地图 historical map; 历史地位 historical role; 历史地质学 historical geology; 历史范畴 historical category; 历史构造 historical structure; 历史观 conception of history; 历史剧 historical play; 历史考古法 historical archaeological method; 历史类比 historical analogy; 历史模式 historical pattern; 历史人物 historical personage [figure]; 历史任务 historic [historical] task; 历史时代 time; 历史使命 historic [historical] mission; 历史使命感 sense of historical mission; 历史唯物主义 historical materialism; 历史唯心主义 historical idealism; 历史文物 historical relice; 历史文献 historical document; 历史问题 question of a political nature in sb.'s history; 历史舞台 arena of history; 历史小说 historical novel; 历史遗产 legacy of history; historical heritage; 历史遗留问题 questions left over from history [the past]; 历史语法 historical grammar; 历史语言学 historical linguistics; 历史责任 historic responsibility; 历史责任感 sense of historical responsibility; 历史最高水平 all-time highs; 历史最高水位 highest water level on records
        模拟:    imitate; simulate; analog; analogy; imitation; simulation◇模拟舱 boilerplate; 模拟电路 [电学] circuit cheater; dummy load; artificial circuit; mimic buses; mimic channel; analogous circuit; 模拟飞行 simulated flight; 模拟火箭 simulated rocket; 模拟器 simulator; imitator; emulator; 模拟试验 analogue test; analogue experiment; prevaluation test; simulated test; simulation experiment; simulation test; 模拟装置 analog device; analog equipment; simulator; analogue device; simulant; simulator rig; 模拟作战演习 war-game
        x历史:    history of mac os x
        【历史】民团。:    trainband
        病史,历史:    hy
        历史,故事:    geschichte; die;-n
        历史;来历:    history
        历史表:    history lists
        历史的:    diachronic; historical; historisch; history
        历史法:    historical basis; historical method
        历史观:    clip 2; historical view
        历史画:    historic picture
        历史家:    caesar; chronologer; historian; historiographer
        历史键:    history button
        历史剧:    chronicle play; historical play
        历史课:    history class
        历史路:    historic roads
        历史派:    historical school the
        历史片:    historical


  1. "历史名人"英文
  2. "历史名胜"英文
  3. "历史名园"英文
  4. "历史命令"英文
  5. "历史命运"英文
  6. "历史模式"英文
  7. "历史模型"英文
  8. "历史年表"英文
  9. "历史年谱"英文
  10. "历史派"英文


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